Monday, January 30, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The Visit
Good luck to CareBear on your trip. And still no word from the job.
The last of the cats but surely not the least.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Feeling blue, I don't like the waiting, don't like the unknown, and don’t like the feeling of limbo. I need to know more, I need to learn more.
I did make it to the cardio center last night and confirmed I’m in poor shape. I did a fast walk on the treadmill 2 miles. It took 35 minutes to go 2 miles. Hell I had to run it in 16 min in the Army, long way to go.
The Family and the Cat Hurd
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Another Part of a Step (rambling)
Nothing else moving on the waiting part.
My first comment came from a nice southern gal. Who by reading her blog, (nice blog) lives in the big town near my folks. I was born and raised in Belton. A little town in the western part of SC.
The big office in Virginia sent us a pool table, so we put it in a spare office.
Monday, January 16, 2006
More work
The rest of the cat hurd minus one.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Wonders never end
My birth certificate arrived yesterday. Oh what a hunk of leftover crap. the wonderful state of South Carolina has bestowed upon me proof that I am alive. Is it worth frameing or adding to the historical documents of the world you ask? No it is on plain blue paper with a off pink seal onit. A 6th grader with MS paint could have done better. SO that means part of a step is complete.
I take it to the court house to apply for the passport. What a large crock. The lady behind the glass looked at the certificate as if it was sandscrit. After two trips to the post office, two trips to the Court hosue, one trip to the bank and two hundred dollars lighter in the wallet it is off. The address is the New Orleans Processing center in Culver City CA. huh anyway in two weeks it should be in my hand.
Remeber I said if you plan to far ahead it will fall through. Well in the company status call yesterday the boss lady asked for volunteers to go to Afghanistan. WHAT??!! She even gave out what the pay maybe. (didn't want people to know that)
I ie-mailed her and asked does that mean I'm out. Noo she replyed I am assuming that you will fill one position. Oh (that is if the Feds grant unto me the status needed). So it still might happen. According to the horible scopes and fortune cookies it will.

(Rusty is afraid of evrything and Walter he came with the wife)
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
What have I done
Anyway a little about me. 38 years old, married 12 years, 1 daughter 11, we have 7 cats, 28 chickens, and two dogs. (more on them later). I am a displaced southern still confused by the ways and customs of the far north mid-west place I call home now. My wife is from here and has a large family. All 100% polish desent. Me mutt through and through. Born and raised in South Carolina, a product of a military family and education. I am a Citadel whole man or man hole which ever you prefer. I was a Russian Linguist in the Army, a teacher for 8 total years(off and on) never in social studies. 5 years a a industrial arts (shop) teacher. I hold two degrees one in secondary education social studies, and one in computer information systems. I have half a masters degree complete (and propably never will complete), this means I am dangerously over educated. We live in the center of the state on the wife's family's original homestead, circa 1905. It was a dump when we moved in and still is no showplace but has improved(greatly)
I am overweight, pasty, afflicted with strawberry blond hair, that as I get older gets blonder.
That right the voices in my head echo.
Anyway, what am I doing to prepare. Well I am southern so there is a problem with this. I have found the more I prepare in advance for something the less likely it will happen. So I am doing the things that will take a while to do, so that the stumbleing blocks are fewer.
step one
Get passaport (simple right) ha
step one A
Find birth certificate (simple right) ha
step one B
Get copy of birth certificate (simple right) ha (see the pattern)
step one C
Call hospital I was born in. I sorry we don't keep records past 1974 (WTF). call county health department. go to web site for birth certificate $47.00.
Oh dear god I never had a state certificate. Mine was a county think the size of a credit card. I know that it was issued in 1973 or 4 ( I know what the hell were they waiting for. To see if I would look like the rest of the family (I don't). To see if I can find my way home(I did) who knows. But know I am waiting on people in the state capital to find if I was born.
step two
Get passaport
Lord help me, That depends on step one.
step three
Get into some shape other than round.
I'll keep you posted