Inside the hooch

Welcome to my room, its about the size of that walk in closet you have always wanted. The guy I replaced had done nothing with the place. I guess he doesn't watch TLC. I took the bed off the frame and moved it against the wall. Giving me more space. Then I hung a footlocker on the wall as a cabinet. Then got some scrap wood and made a closet. I am missing a chair. I have one in mind, or I have to find one. There is one near the PX I have my eye on. Work is going the places I have to go are mounting, up to four now can't get transport yet. I don't know if you've heard but there’s a war going on here. The new Germans have arrived along with some Fins. Same uniforms but the Fins and the Romanians have uniform T shirts complete with rank and stuff, cool I think.
Had another fallen comrade ceremony. That’s three dead in two weeks. This guy was MI(military Intelligence), roadside bomb. Not as dangerous here as
Speaking of that
Three Brits are in captured by natives. They are given a choice. Mubobo (Have sex with all the men in the tribe) and go free or death. The first one says I love my life, who cares I'll take mubobo. The second one says, I have too much to live for I'll take mubobo. The third says I can't, I have to live with myself, I'll take death. The chief looks around for a minute and then says Okay then Death by mubobo.
Sorry, That was just waiting to get out. This five time zone stuff is BS. right now it is 1930 local(7:30 PM) 1500 Zulu (3:00PM) 1100 eastern (11:00 AM) 1000 Central(10:00 AM) and 0800
So now that you have seen my place, Call Ty Pennington and have them come here and do a make over, I dare them. This whole blod is brought to you by, Blondie, Depche Mode, Stellie Dan and Nirvana okay so my Ipod has no theme, just stuff I like. I have Enya, Shadowfax and Vincent Guaraldi as relax stuff and some pick me up stuff Atomic Fireballs, Cherry poping Daddies, ACDC, a mix of everything, yes even some Polkas. I have to be in the right mood for that. Back to work, the evening part.