Sunday, April 23, 2006

It starts

Some guys are prouder than others (parking lot of hotel)

Every journey starts sometime. Mine has started. Thursday the word came it’s a go and I have to go. For the next period of time I will be here. Strangely I have been here before. 15 years ago I was here for training and now I’m back. I will be fairly cryptic on what I do here and may not say. I am leery of even saying where I am. In fact come to think of it I won’t. It took three planes and a very early start to get here. Little one was real brave. I think she waited to cry after I left. Think of it saddened me. I know this is a good thing to do it will be hard. I do get to go home after here. Then off for AARRMMYY training. I do get a weapon. So along with shots and gear, now I have weapons training. I have never had a side arm before. Anyway, I have to get ready for Monday. So here are some pics. I hope to get some cool desert pictures, while I here.

My crappy car, cheapest you can rent. (Don't buy)

Road to nowhere. I now live at the foot of these mountains


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should send the "Tommy" photo to Leno!! I emailed it to everyone!! Hang in there!

10:55 AM  

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