Thursday, April 06, 2006

“The waiting is the hardest part”

There is still no word as to when. We have been doing various more things to get ready. We have a high speed connection at the house now, a wireless network to connect several computers, web cams for video phone calls. MSN sucks at this. I am hoping to find something better. All the wood minus the pine is stored away in the woodshed. Its about 3 cord. Lots of work and I still want 1 truck load more. Maybe this weekend, I can get some more. Checklist and equipment are being finished. Most of my medical, dental, and legal stuff is done. Still need a few minor checks on those. They are harder to do. Some cool toys are on order, flashlight, boot knife, and other cool military toys. I really want an IPOD but they cost too much. Unchecked items on list are as follows.

  1. Oil and tune up of vehicles.
  2. Oil and tune up of lawnmowers.
  3. Summer chicken yard
  4. Seed chicken yard
  5. Manual for wife and daughter
  6. Label stuff and instructions
  7. Clean garage and workshop
  8. Fix back door
  9. Repipe sink
  10. Plow garden
  11. Lose weight
  12. Run
  13. IPOD music
  14. Set up new laptop (if it comes)

I hope you are doing well and enjoying spring. Here the tulips are poking out of the ground. A few blades of grass are starting to green. The Robins have been back for two weeks and it’s starting to smell like spring.


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