Spring and still waiting
Spring is raising its head here in ole Tropical WI. The tulips are starting to come up and the grass is turning green. Which means I'd better rake up the litter from winter before the grass gets to cutting height. I plowed disked the garden last weekend. I did it in my shinning tractor (read truck). We do have a tractor. Better known as the gutless/ball-less wonder. As in I wonder what the hell I got the thing for. It is an Allis B. My lawn mower has more horses that it does. It can't pull a disk, plow, back blade, almost anything. So the truck does the farm work. Although there is something to be said for plowing in the comfort of your truck. Anyway on the camping trip front. Government dude one has told government two that it is okay for government dude three to send an ok to government dude four. Who in turn will send an okay to company dude one and two to submit form one. Once form one has been sent government dude 4 sends it to three and three says yes and then I go. Simple right.

you take beautiful pictures. i hope when you make your trip, you continue to document it with pictures (as much as you can). let us know when you are leaving.
i am glad to know spring is springing up there. it is down right hot here. we had spring in january :)
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